
Snow Wardens

Kenn has trained snow wardens. Their nominated lead is <vacant>.

Snow wardens are local community volunteers whose main duties are:

Stephen Brain was invited to meet with North Somerset Council’s snow team to discuss plans for clearance of our limited number of paths in Kenn. Safety information was provided and "Men at Work" signs were delivered to the village to support safe practices.

Grit Bin Sticker Programme

Kenn snow wardens have added stickers to the local grit bins that clearly outline the appropriate use of the salt supplies.

Community Resilience Network

The Community Resilience network aims to build strong, resilient communities, prepared to deal with any emergency using local resources and trained volunteers. Your local knowledge and enthusiasm could make a real difference in your community. Interested in volunteering? Then find out more.

Flood Warden

If any Kenn residents have concerns regarding local flooding they can:

Tree Warden

Kenn's Tree Warden is Mark Titterton (tel. 07960 240 960), contact him for any tree related concerns in the village, also for advice or planting ideas etc.

Visit the North Somerset Council Trees page for further information.

Defibrillator Installed

Following a huge community effort, a defibrillator has been purchased by the Parish Council. By popular agreement from residents and businesses alike, it is located in the phone box on Kenn Road (B3133), which has undergone a programme of refurbishment including new signage and painting, and registration with the emergency services.

Wilf Bessant (tel. 01275 872 406) carries out regular guardian inspections and provides updated reports to the monitoring service.

Vehicle Activated Speed Signs

There are two Vehicle Activated Speed Signs in Kenn:

Jon-Paul Humberstone (tel. 07990 690 060), Mark Titterton (tel. 07960 240 960) and Chris Blake monitor the signs.

Broadband in Kenn

The Kenn broadband working group have achieved the installation of faster broadband in the parish with the help of TrueSpeed Communications Ltd.